Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mommy and Me Outing

Yesterday Mommy and I decided to have a special outing, just the two of us, while we wait for Baby Jack to arrive. We went to The Sandbox, an indoor play place in Fairport. We've been there a few times before and I always have tons of fun!

"Serving" Mommy in the little restaurant...

I LOVE the sandbox!

Dollhouse fun

Lightspace dance floor and air hockey

Taking care of the animals...

We enjoyed a yummy lunch at the Friendly's right nearby. I helped Mommy eat her grilled cheese sandwich so I brought some of my chicken fingers home.

My Monster Mash Sundae - I actually ate the peanut butter cup ears! My first ever peanut butter! I shared the cherry nose with Mommy though...I'm not a fan of cherries.

1 comment:

Jerri said...

I love the Sandbox place. It looks so cool. If there is ever a rainy day when we're there to meet your baby sister, we should try to go there. Wouldn't that be fun? I know Zoe would like it, too!