Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Life Is Good (with sparkly shoes and good dance tunes)

Life is Good!
(according to my bottom, which I call "my body!")

And now for some dance videos!

As you can see I get a little excited when I hear Elmo's song!

Move dance videos to come...Mommy is too tired to finish tonight but doesn't want to keep my fans waiting for these fun ones! :-)


Unknown said...

Yes, this fan of the "Pineapple Princess" was waiting for more! You're still loving that CD - I can't wait to hear it again! Your sparkly shoes are so pretty. And such an Elmo fan - WOW! Grandpa & I laughed so hard when we watched you get so excited when Elmo sings. You are precious! Love you lots - GramMarie & Grandpa

Jerri said...

Oh my gosh! Those videos are so awesome. I can hardly stand how excited she gets. She and Zoe are going to have so much fun together soon! Are those songs from the cd we sent or from something else? Hilarious how she just ran out with her bag "to go to work." Love it!

katigram said...

Our Annabelle is not quite twooo...she loves to dance and sing some tooo! I don't know but I've been told if you keep on dancin' you'll never grow old. Dance, dance, dance all day long! Life is indeed good with you in it Annabelle!