Sunday, April 6, 2008

One Crafty Baby

I have so much fun making things out of paper! I crinkle the paper up and shape it into a very interesting creation.

Here I am working on my latest project, using Mommy's shopping list.

Here I am showing off the final product!


Anonymous said...

Annabelle - You look so pretty in purple/lavender! Of course, you look pretty in just about any color. Mama and Dada won't every need a paper shredder when you there to help.
Love you lots - Gram Marie

katigram said...

I was surprised to see that you are still making art from scrunching up paper! You were doing that on my last visit, and I was amazed at how clever you were then, but I thought surely it was a passing phase. Now I see that you are developing the talents of a sculptor. Amazing child!