Saturday, June 7, 2008

Fun Times

I've been having some fun times! Thursday night I partied like a Rock Star - I stayed up until 8:30 PM! After school Mommy and I had a play date with my baby friend Julia and her family. They live right down the road from my wonderful sitter's house so we walked down for a grand old time.

Me and Julia

Then we went back to The Fabulous Riedel's house for Justin's 7th birthday party. I had so much fun! I splashed my feet in the pool for the first time ever, and I laughed and laughed when the big kids jumped into the pool and splashed me! Justin let me rip up all his tissue paper while he opened his presents.

The best present (in my opinion) was an aquarium lamp. I walked right across the room to see it up close, and I said "fish!" 4 times! Mommy decided I just HAD to have one of my own so this morning we all went to the Christmas Tree Shop to get one for me. We had never been to that shop before and they have a lot of fun stuff. I walked all around the store pushing a lawn mower (now mine, for the bargain price of $4.99) and then we got my fish lamp (another bargain at just $6.99).

Mommy caught a clip of me and Daddy walking down the store aisle together

Here I am palying with my new fish lamp!


Unknown said...

What a busy and exciting week for our Annabelle! A playdate, a party, a shopping "spree" and walking like a big girl. You deserve a break this weekend with your Mommy and Daddy! What a gorgeous "eye and eyelash" shot (the last photo) and how long and curly your hair is getting!!! And those cute little toddling footsteps with Daddy in the store are precious! You grow more lovely each day, sweetheart! And thank Mommy for sharing so much of your growing days with us. Love you lots - GramMarie

Jerri said...

Look at you walking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so impressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I can't wait to see you running in person in August to meet your little cousin, baby Wagner. WoW!