Monday, March 3, 2008

Sharing my Milk with Sick Babies

I am so excited - Mommy and me are going to help sick babies! I don't need to drink as much milk anymore when I am away from Mommy during the day, so now we have extra milk. We are going to donate it to a breast milk bank in California called Milkin' Mamas. They will get it to hospitals that can use it to feed pre-term, low birth weight and critically-ill infants. I hope our milk can help lots of babies who need it!


Jerri said...

What a cool idea! I can't believe that. Your mom is so cool to find out about that, Annabelle. I think Annabelle must be such a big girl now, with outgrowing mama's milk. Love you!

katigram said...

Oh, and mommy are just the dearest.

Anonymous said...

Annabelle, how nice that you will be sharing your Mama's milk. And mommy is one of the most generous people I know. Love you both. Gram Marie

Sarah Eiley said...

Annabelle, Your mama ROCKS!!!!! Some of my baby closest baby friends were very very kind to share their mama's milk with me when my mommy didn't have enough for me (very hard for her!)What a precious gift. Those babies in California are very lucky!!

Melissa said...

How awesome! There was a time in my little guys short life when I thought I wouldn't be able to continue nursing and hated the thought of giving him that stinky powder. I can't imagine how those mommies of sick or tiny babes feel. What a special special gift.